Bhagavad Gita
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Others Chakra
EIGHTH CHAKRA: MEMORY or TIME CONTINUUM LOCATION: Above crown of head COLOR: Magenta, Silver ASSOCIATION: Time Continuum of soul memories. Knowledge of life purposes, power symbols and Akashic records.
NINTH CHAKRA: SOUL STAR LOCATION: Above crown of head COLOR: White, Silver ASSOCIATION: Soul purpose, life tasks and pre-destined soul contracts.
TENTH CHAKRA: GROUNDING LOCATION: Below base of feet COLOR: Earth Tones: Brown, Deep Red, Olive Green, Deep Yellow ASSOCIATION: Balance in oneself and feeling connected to the earth.
ELEVENTH CHAKRA: ETERNAL or ETERNAL SOUL LOCATION: Above crown of head COLOR: White, Turquoise, Purple, Violet, Indigo, ASSOCIATION: To experience contact with the essence of one's eternal soul.
TWELFTH CHAKRA: UNIVERSAL MIND LOCATION: Above crown of head COLOR: White, Silver, Gold ASSOCIATION: To exist in divine order, and in oneness with God, the Universal Consciousness.
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Others Chakras
Sahasrara Crown Chakra
Speaking of the Sahasrara, the lotus of a thousand leaves, is completely obsolete, because it's a pure philosophical concept. Without any substance to us. It is above all experience. In Ajna there is still the experience of the self that is seemingly different from the object, the God. But in Sahasrara there is no difference. The next conclusion could be that there is no object, no God, there is nothing but Brahman. There is no experience because it is One, without a second. It is asleep, it is not, and that is why it is nirvana. (non-dual)
Sahasrara is positioned above the head or at the top of it and it has 1000 petals which are arranged in 20 layers each of them with 50 petals. For a discussion about the petal count see also petal (chakra) Sahasrara chakra symbolizes detachment from illusion; an essential element in obtaining supramental consciousness of the truth that one is all and all is one. Often referred as thousand-petaled lotus, it is said to be the most subtle chakra in the system, relating to pure consciousness, and it is from this chakra that all the other chakras emanate. When a yogi is able to raise his or her kundalini, energy of consciousness, up to this point, the state of samadhi, or union with God, is experienced. In the West, it has been noted by many occultists[attribution needed] that Sahasrara expresses a similar archetypal idea to that of Kether in the kabbalistic tree of life, which also rests at the head of the tree, and represents pure consciousness and union with god.
INDIAN NAME: Sahasrara
COLOR: Violet or White
ELEMENT/SENSE: Thought / Will
ASSOCIATED GLANDS: PINEAL - cerebral cortex, central nervous system, right eye.
FUNCTIONS: Vitalizes the upper brain (cerebrum)
GEMS/MINERALS: Amethyst, alexandrite, purple fluorite, sugilite, quartz crystal, diamond, selenite,
FOODS: Purple fruits and vegetables. Associated with fasting.
QUALITIES/LESSONS: Unification to the higher self. Oneness with the infinite. Spiritual will, inspiration, unity, divine wisdom and understanding, idealism, selfless service. Perception beyond space and time. Continuity of consciousness.
NEGATIVE QUALITIES: Lack of inspiration, confusion, depression, alienation, hesitation to serve, senility.
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Sahasrara Crown Chakra
Ajna Third Eye Chakra - Winged Seed
Ajna Third Eye Chakra - Winged Seed
The Sixth Chakra is the Ajna, and looks like a winged seed, it does not contain an animal symbol. Instead of the dark germinating seed, it is here in full light, the white beaming light, completely conscious. In other words the God that was asleep in Muladhara, is completely awoken. The only reality, and because of that this center is called the situation in which one is united with Shiva. One could say this is the center of the mystic union with God. I mean that absolute reality where you are nothing but psychic reality, and yet confronted with the psychic reality that you are not. And that is god. God is the eternal psychic object. God is simply a word for non-me. In Vishudda the psychic reality was still opposite of the physical reality. That's why we still used the help of the white elephant to distinguish reality from the psyche. Psychic facts still found a place within us, even though they had their own lives. But in the Ajna center the psyche grows wings. Here you know you are nothing but psyche.
Ajna is considered the chakra of the mind. When something is seen in the mind's eye, or in a dream, it is being 'seen' by Ajna. Residing in the Chakra, according to some beliefs, is the deity Ardhanarishvara a hermaphrodite form of Shiva-Shakti, symbolising the primordial duality of Subject and Object, and the deity Hakini Shakti is also present in this chakra. In kundalini yoga, different practices are said to stimulate the Ajna chakra, including Trataka (steady gazing), Shambhavi Mudra (gazing at the space between the eyebrows), and some forms of Pranayama (breath exercises). Various occultists[attribution needed] have tried to make kabbalistic associations with Ajna, and it has been associated variously with the sephirah Kether, Da'at and the primal duality of Chokmah and Binah (who represent a similar archetypal concept to that of Shiva and Shakti in tantric cosmology).
PHYSICAL BODY LOCATION: Center of forehead, between eyebrows
COLOR: Indigo (dark blue)
ELEMENT/SENSE: Light / Intuitiveness or ESP
FUNCTIONS: Vitalizes the lower brain (cerebellum) and central nervous system. Vision.
GEMS/MINERALS: Lapis lazuli, azurite, fluorite, sodalite, quartz crystal, sapphire, indicolite tourmaline.
FOODS: Blue/Purple fruits and vegetables.
QUALITIES/LESSONS: Soul realization, intuition, insight, imagination, clairvoyance, concentration, peace of mind, wisdom, devotion, perception.
NEGATIVE QUALITIES: Lack of concentration, fear, cynicism, tension, headaches, eye problems, bad dreams, Overly detached.
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Vishuddha Throat Chakra
Vishuddha Throat Chakra - Ether Element - White Elephant
Here one rises above the emperic world, and lands into a world of concepts. With certainty we realise our psychic existence as the only reality through experience. Another way to look at the series of chakras would be that ist is like climbing form rude matter to a fine or psychic form. It is where Tantra Yoga and Western Alchemy intersect, the transmutation of crude matter to the subtle form of spirit.
As people learn in Anahata that their feelings should be based on facts and not on assumptions, people must un-learn this when passing to Vishuddha. One even would have to recognize that psychic facts have nothing to do with material ones. For instance the anger you feel toward someone or something, how justified it may be, is not caused by external causes. It is a phenomenon onto itself. In other words: Your worst enemy may be in yourself.
If you've reached this stadium, you're leaving Anahata, because you have succeeded in loosening the absolute unification of the material external facts with the internal or psychic facts. Whatever you experience, whatever adventure you live in the external world: it is all your own experience. The entire game of the world is your personal experience.
In Vishudda we reach above our contemporary ideas of the world, in a certain sense we reach out to the etheric plane. It is as if a rocket has propelled us into space, a space where the psychic reality is the only reality. This world will be reached if we succeed to build a symbolic bridge between the most abstract ideas of physics and the most abstrac ideas of analytical psychology.
Here the (white) Elephant reappears in Vishudda, where it does not carry the Earth but it supports the things we think are the most unreal, the most fleeting, namely human thought. It is as if the Elephant makes realities of concepts. We recognize that our concepts are none other than our imagination, producs of our feeling or reason, abstractions or comparisons that are not supported by any physical phenomenon. That what unites them all, what expresses them all, is the concept of energy. According to Chakra Symbolism, the power of the Elephant is now granted to psychic realities, that our reason would like to consider as pure abstractions.
For instance it is in reality impossible to bring forth a concept of God, because it is not a physical concept. It has nothing to do with experience in space and time, and because of that you can not expect an effect. But if you have the psychic experience, if the psychic experience imposes itself on you, then you understand and you can make a concept out of it. The abstraction, or projection, the concept of God, then comes from experience. And psychic facts are the reality tin Vishudda.
Vishuddha is associated with the faculty of higher discrimination, between choosing what is right and wrong, and it is associated with creativity and self-expression. It is known as the 'poison and nectar' centre, closely related to the Bindu chakra, and the secret of immortality is said to reside there. When Vishuddha is closed, we undergo decay and death. When it is open, negative experience is transformed into wisdom and learning.
COLOR: Blue (sky blue)
ELEMENT/SENSE: Ether / Sound
ASSOCIATED GLANDS: THYROID - parathyroid, hypothalamus, throat, mouth.
FUNCTIONS: Speech, sound, vibration, communication.
GEMS/MINERALS: Turquoise, chrysocolla, chalcedony, blue sapphire, celestite, blue topaz, sodalite, lapis lazuli, aquamarine, azurite, kyanite.
FOODS: Blue/Purple fruits and vegetables.
QUALITIES/LESSONS: Power of the spoken word. True communicative skills. Creativeness in speech, writing and the arts. Integration, peace, truth, knowledge, wisdom, loyalty, honesty, reliability, gentleness, kindness.
NEGATIVE QUALITIES: Communication and/or speech problems. Knowledge used unwisely, ignorance, lack of discernment, depression, thyroid problems.
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Vishuddha Throat Chakra
Anahata Heart Chakra
Anahata Heart Chakra - Air Element - Antelope/Gazelle
The situation of Earth is released into the Air, disattachment with the Earthly realm. Mindfulness, you are no longer identifying with your emotions and desires. Individuation! Becoming what is not 'me': The Self, the transpersonal. Where psychic things have their origins. The me is an appendage of the Self. Realising values. The beginning of Purusa, the essence, the "Self" which pervades the universe.
Individuation means: becoming what is not me, nobody understands what the Self is, because the Self is exactly that which you are not, it is not the me, the me is merely an appendage of the Self.
As Saint Paul said: I live, but not me, Christ (consciousness, Buddha consciousness) lives within me. In which he meant his life became an objective one, not his own, but the life of one that is higher, of the Purusa.
The purusa is identical with the psychic substance of your thoughts and values or feeling. In recognizing feelings and ideas you witness purusa. This is the first suspicion of a being withing your physiological and psychological existence that is not yourself; a being that encapsulates you, that's bigger and more important than you are, but has an entirely psychic existence.
In Manipura still don't know where we are, we are still with our feet on the earth in Muladhara, but in Anahata they are lifted from the surface through the air element.Animus, spirit, comes from the greek anemos, which means wind. And pneuma, mind, is also greek for wind. Arabic ruch = wind or soul or mind. Hebrew = ruach is mind and wind. With your last breath the spirit leaves the body.
Instead of following your impulses, you could think of a ceremony where you can distance yourself from your emotions and observe them and rise above them. You stop yourself in a wild moment and ask yourself: why am I acting this way? When one discovers one can release themselves from emotion: he becomes a real human.
Crossing from Manipura to Anahata is quite difficult because the recognition that the psyche acts on its own, that it really is something other than yourself, is extraordinarily hard to realise and admit. Because it means that consciousness that you call yourself has a border. However if you understand it in the right manner, then - as Tantra Yoga shows - this recognition of the psychogenic factor is in fact the first recognition of Purusa.
The Antelope or Gazelle, again a transformation of the original power, it resembles the ram somewhat, though it is not domesticated as the ram, and it's not an animal of sacrifice. It is not an agressive animal, to the contrary it is shy and slippery, very lightfooted. It's gone in a glimpse of an eye. If you encounter a hurd of them you are amazed at how fast they all vanish again. They seem to fly with great leaps through the air. There are antelopes in Africa that can jump six to ten meters, like they have wings. Light as the air, and just touch the earth here and there. An animal of the earth but seemingly released from gravity. Perfectly symbolizing the power and lightness of the psychic substance: thought and feeling. Closely resembling the unicorn, a symbol of the holy spirit. (Also symoblized by the Green Lion - green is the color of Anahata.)
Anahata is associated with the ability to make decisions outside of the realm of karma. In Manipura and below, man is bound by the laws of karma, and the fate he has in store for him. In Anahata, one is making decisions, 'following your heart', based upon one's higher self, and not from the unfulfilled emotions and desires of lower nature. The 'wish-fulfilling tree', kalpa taru, resides here, symbolising the ability to manifest whatever you wish to happen in the world. It is also associated with love and compassion, charity to others, and forms of psychic healing.
COLOR: Green (Secondary color is pink)
ASSOCIATED GLANDS: THYMUS- Heart, circulatory system, arms, hands, lungs.
FUNCTIONS: Anchors the life-force from the higher self. Energizes the blood and physical body with life-force. Blood circulation.
GEMS/MINERALS: Emerald, green and pink tourmaline, malachite, green jade, green aventurine, chrysoprase, kunzite, rose quartz, ruby, fluorite, moldavite.
FOODS: Green fruits and vegetables.
QUALITIES/LESSONS: Divine and unconditional love, forgiveness, compassion, understanding, balance, group consciousness, oneness with life, acceptance, peace, openness, harmony, contentment.
NEGATIVE QUALITIES: Repression of love, emotional instability, unbalanced, heart problems, circulatory disorders.
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Anahata Heart Chakra
Manipura Solar Plexus Chakra
Manipura Solar Plexus Chakra - Fire element - Ram
Passed through the water, the Sun arises. The first light after baptising. The Pharao climbs in the sun-bark of Ra, travels through the night and conquers the snake, after which he rises together with God and sails heaven in al eternity. After baptising you go straight into hell. Because what is passion, what are emotions? There is the source of Fire, there is the abundance of energy. Someone who is not on fire is nothing, he is ridiculous, 2-dimensional. He has to be on fire, even if he makes a fool of himself. There has to be a fire, otherwise there is no light, no warmth, nothing.
Rebirth, you receive the immortal soul you at first did not posess, you are a twice-born. Like Jesus you are now no longer a simple personality, but a non-personality or symbolic personality, you now belong to the entire world, which is somewhat more important than the role of being the son of Joseph and Marie!
Manipura is the center of identification with God, where one is part of the divine substance. You are now already part of timelesness, no longer merely 3-dimensional, but now belonging to a fourth-dimensional order of things where space does not exist and time is not - but only eternity exists. We see a new image of ourselves.
The Ram is a far less imposing creature than the elephant or leviathan/crocodile, when this evolutionary stage is reached, it is relatively easy to quell the passions, subdue the ram, and proceed to the Anahata Heart Chakra. The ram is Aries, the house of Mars: the firy planet of the passions, impulsiveness, violence etc. It is again the elephant but in a new form. Not longer the unovercomable power but an animal of sacrifice, the small sacrifice of the passions. The danger has become less, your passions are a lesser danger than drowning in the unconscious.
It is positioned at the navel region and it has ten petals which match the vrittis of spiritual ignorance, thirst, jealousy, treachery, shame, fear, disgust, delusion, foolishness and sadness. Manipura is associated with dynamism, energy, and will-power. It is associated with the power of fire, and digestion. Manipura is said to radiate and distribute prana to the rest of the body. In this sense, it is roughly similar to the Chinese idea of the dantian in qigong.
PHYSICAL BODY LOCATION: Above the navel, below the chest
COLOR: Yellow
ASSOCIATED GLANDS: PANCREAS- adrenal glands, stomach, liver, gallbladder, nervous system, muscles.
FUNCTIONS: Vitalizes sympathetic nervous system. Digestive system, metabolism, emotions.
GEMS/MINERALS: Citrine, gold topaz, amber, tiger eye, gold calcite, gold.
FOODS: Starches, yellow fruits and vegetables.
QUALITIES/LESSONS: Will, personal power, authority, energy, mastery of desire, self-control, radiance, warmth, awakening, transformation, humor, laughter, immortality.
NEGATIVE QUALITIES: Taking in more than one can assimilate or utilize. Too much emphasis on power and/or recognition, anger, fear, hate, jealousy, Digestive problems.
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Manipura Solar Plexus Chakra
Swadhisthana Sacral Chakra
Swadhisthana Sacral Chakra - Water element - Leviathan/Crocodile
When one has awoken from Muladhara, one goes into the water, which represents the unconscious where one faces the Leviathan/Crocodile from the depths which are ones own demons. The Leviathan is the biggest and most fearsome creature of the watery depths. (but it represents the same animal as the elephant, the one that supports your earthly life seems to become your worst enemy when you reach the next center, because here you leave this world and anything that hangs around is your worst enemy. It is the waterelephant, the whale that eats you, the same that has nurtured and supported you. The goodwilling mother that raised you becomes a devouring one.) When one dreams of baptising, taking a batch, the ocean or in water generally - you must realize you are being pushed into the unconscious for purification, you have to go into the water because of the renewal. But it remains unknown what comes after. When one passes through this baptising, you reach Manipura.
Swadhisthana is associated with the unconscious, and with emotion. It is closely related to Muladhara in that Swadhisthana is where the different samskaras (potential karmas), lie dormant, and Muladhara is where these samskaras find expression. Swadhisthana contains unconscious desires, especially sexual desire, and it is said that to raise the kundalini (energy of consciousness) above Swadhisthana is extremely difficult for this reason. Many saints have had to face the temptations associated with this chakra.
INDIAN NAME: Svadisthana
PHYSICAL BODY LOCATION: Lower abdomen to navel area
COLOR: Orange
ASSOCIATED GLANDS: REPRODUCTIVE ORGANS- Ovaries, testicles, prostate, genitals, spleen, womb, bladder, kidneys.
FUNCTIONS: Procreation, assimilation of food, physical force, vitality, sexuality.
GEMS/MINERALS: Carnelian, coral, gold, calcite, amber, citrine, gold topaz, peach aventurine, moonstone.
FOODS: Liquids, Orange fruits and vegetables.
QUALITIES/LESSONS: Giving and receiving, emotions, desire, pleasure, sexual and passionate love, change, movement, assimilation of new ideas, health, family, tolerance, surrender, personal creativity. Working in harmony and creatively with others.
NEGATIVE QUALITIES: Over indulgence in food or sex, sexual difficulties, confusion, purposelessness, jealousy, envy desire to possess, impotence, uterine and/or bladder problems.
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When one has awoken from Muladhara, one goes into the water, which represents the unconscious where one faces the Leviathan/Crocodile from the depths which are ones own demons. The Leviathan is the biggest and most fearsome creature of the watery depths. (but it represents the same animal as the elephant, the one that supports your earthly life seems to become your worst enemy when you reach the next center, because here you leave this world and anything that hangs around is your worst enemy. It is the waterelephant, the whale that eats you, the same that has nurtured and supported you. The goodwilling mother that raised you becomes a devouring one.) When one dreams of baptising, taking a batch, the ocean or in water generally - you must realize you are being pushed into the unconscious for purification, you have to go into the water because of the renewal. But it remains unknown what comes after. When one passes through this baptising, you reach Manipura.
Swadhisthana is associated with the unconscious, and with emotion. It is closely related to Muladhara in that Swadhisthana is where the different samskaras (potential karmas), lie dormant, and Muladhara is where these samskaras find expression. Swadhisthana contains unconscious desires, especially sexual desire, and it is said that to raise the kundalini (energy of consciousness) above Swadhisthana is extremely difficult for this reason. Many saints have had to face the temptations associated with this chakra.
INDIAN NAME: Svadisthana
PHYSICAL BODY LOCATION: Lower abdomen to navel area
COLOR: Orange
ASSOCIATED GLANDS: REPRODUCTIVE ORGANS- Ovaries, testicles, prostate, genitals, spleen, womb, bladder, kidneys.
FUNCTIONS: Procreation, assimilation of food, physical force, vitality, sexuality.
GEMS/MINERALS: Carnelian, coral, gold, calcite, amber, citrine, gold topaz, peach aventurine, moonstone.
FOODS: Liquids, Orange fruits and vegetables.
QUALITIES/LESSONS: Giving and receiving, emotions, desire, pleasure, sexual and passionate love, change, movement, assimilation of new ideas, health, family, tolerance, surrender, personal creativity. Working in harmony and creatively with others.
NEGATIVE QUALITIES: Over indulgence in food or sex, sexual difficulties, confusion, purposelessness, jealousy, envy desire to possess, impotence, uterine and/or bladder problems.
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Swadhisthana Sacral Chakra
All about Chakars & its power - Root Chakra
1. Muladhara Root Chakra - Earth element - Elephant
The square in the middle is the symbol of the Earth, and the Elephant is the supporting power of the surface, the psychic energy of the libido. The elephant is the most powerful land animal on Earth. The name Muladhara which means root-support, shows us that we are in the area of the roots of our existence, which would be our personality on Earth. The gods are asleep.
We are but a seed, it's of the upmost importance to be born - to realize that your situation is the best you could desire or you will not release from Muladhara - You were supposed to come into this world, otherwise you can not realise the 'self' (the transpersonal) and the goal of this world is missed. You have to leave some trace or other in this world, show the world you were here, otherwise you have not realised yourself. If one succeeds in awakening Kundalini (energy of consciousness), so that she can release her pure potentiality, then you set into motion a world that completely differs from ours: it is an eternal world. The personal side is in fact completely negligable in comparison with Kundalini's visions. Because her visions could be the visions of whoever, because they are impersonal. They correspond with the world of Kundalni, and not with the Muladhara world.
First of all, if the Yogin, or a western person, or anyone, succeeds in awakening the Kundalini then what sets into motion is NOT a personal development (however the inpersonal development can influence the personal one, as that so often and benficially happens). What starts are inpersonal events, with which one would do good to NOT to identify with. If you do, you will receive 'inflation', you will be completely WRONG. Observe objectively what happpens, you'll then see that all events that happen in the inpersonal, non-human order of things, have the very unpleasant quality of grapsing on to us. It's as though Kundalini pulls us in her upward motion, especially in the beginning. We are seeds in us, seeds in Muladhara that when come into motion have the effect of an earthquake, that shocks us naturally - sometimes so severely that our house breaks down.
The image of an inpersonal, mental/psychic experience is so strange to us, and extraordinarily hard to accept that we have severe difficulty to dis-identify with it.
In Samkhya philosophy, the concept of Muladhara is that of moola prakriti, the metaphysical basis of material existence. Muladhara is the chakra that draws down spiritual energy and causes it to assume a physical existence. It is like the negative pole in an electrical circuit, which provides the potential for the evolution of form. Within this chakra resides/sleeps the kundalini shakti, the great spiritual potential, waiting to be aroused and brought back up to the source from which it originated, Brahman.
INDIAN NAME: Muladhara
PHYSICAL BODY LOCATION: Base of hips and lower hips
ASSOCIATED GLANDS: ADRENAL- Spinal Column, Bones, Teeth, Nails, Anus, Rectum, Colon, Prostate, Blood and Cell Building.
FUNCTIONS: Gives vitality to the physical body. Life-force, survival, instincts.
AROMAS: Cedar, Clove, Pepper, Vetiver.
GEMS/MINERALS: Agate, Bloodstone, Hematite, Garnet, Ruby, Red Jasper,
FOODS: Proteins, Red fruits and vegetables.
QUALITIES/LESSONS: Matters relating to the material world, success, The physical body, mastery of the body, Grounding, individuality, stability, security, stillness, health, courage, patience.
NEGATIVE QUALITIES: Self-centered, insecurity, violence, greed, anger. Overly concerned with physical survival. Tension in the spine, constipation.
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Root Chakra
All about Chakars & its power - Introduction
The human body contains focused and concentrated energy centers or points revolving between our physical and spiritual self. The energy centers are referred to as Chakras. Chakra is a Sanskrit word meaning “wheel.” The chakras are similar to wheels. They resemble a spinning vortex of energy and are located within our physical and esoteric or subtle body, in which we receive, process, and transmit universal life force energies.
The overall Chakra System is comprised of Primary (Major and Minor) and Secondary Chakras. The Primary Chakra System has a total of twelve major chakras and one combined “set” of minor chakras.
The Seven Major Chakras are the most common known, with five additional chakras located outside the physical body operating as connecting points in accordance with associated auric layers and or esoteric bodily principles. Included in the Primary Chakra System are multiple energy centers located in the palms of the hands, knees and soles of the feet which are known as Minor Chakras.
A Secondary Chakra System is comprised of thirty-two energy points located within the physical body and in the esoteric auric body layers. Each of the secondary chakras are related to the primary “major and minor” chakras as well as to specific vertebras of the spinal column.
Each of the more recognized, seven major chakras relate to physical, emotional, mental and spiritual energies. The seven major chakras interact with specific aspects of our consciousness and have individual characteristics and functions. Each corresponding to various glands of the body’s endocrine system, as well as to specific colors of the seven rays, also known as the rainbow color spectrum.
The chakras are like doorways through which emotional, mental and spiritual force flow into our physical expressions. Doorways in which our attitudes and belief systems enter into and create our overall body and mind structure. Energy created from mental and emotional influences penetrates the chakras and is distributed to bodily cells, tissues and organs.
Effective ways in which to activate, balance and energize the chakras, and help to sustain healthy bodies and minds, is to genuinely love ourselves and others unconditionally. Love is essentially the greatest healer of all.
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Chakra Exercise - For Life
Chakra Exercises:
Chakra exercises are used to stimulate the major chakras in the physical body. Each yoga exercise in this section will help activate and open each one of the seven major energy centers.
Chakra 1:
The following three hatha yoga excercises work on stimulating and releasing energy from the Muladhara chakra itself:
Locust & Half Locust:
Lie face down on the floor with your arms beneath your body, hands touching the front of your thighs. Keeping the knee straight, raise the leg several inches off the floor. Hold for as long as s comfortable and switch to the left leg. If this is comfortable then repeat the same procedure lifting both legs at once.
Head To Knee Pose:
Lie down on your back and relax. When ready, stretch your arms over your head, take a deep breath and raise yourself to a seated position, keeping your legs straight out in front of you. Bend the right leg and tuck the left foot into your crotch. Bend over, arms outstretched, reaching out over the left leg. Do not go farther than is comfortable, but go as far as you can. Try to find the threshold between where the tension begins and breath into that spot while you hold the posture. Hold for one to two minutes, return to a seated position, straighten your right leg, bending your left, and repeat. After returning to the position of lying flat on your back (corpse pose) for a brief rest, repeat the same procedure as above, bending over both legs. Be gentle, and tension will ease more quickly.
Deep Relaxation:
This is also called conscious relaxation. It involves grounding and relaxing each part of the body, one at a time. Lie flat on your back, and begin by taking several deep, abdomonal breaths. Beginning at the toes, work up your body, moving towards to heart, and consciously release tension in each and every muscle and joint in your body. Be sure to include the eyes, mouth and throat, as much tension is subconsciously held here. Observe your thoughts letting them come and go effortlessly. Allow yourself to observe your body, peacefully breathing in and out, in and out, deeply relaxing.
When you are ready, begin flexing your fingers and toes, and wiggling your arms and legs. Open your eyes and return to the world refreshed
Chakra 2:
Excercise for opening the second chakra involve working with movement in the hips and lower abdomen. Simple self-nurturing acivity, such as long, hot baths, showers or swimming should not be overlooked. Nurturing ourselves is the first step to receiving or giving nurturance to others.
The Goddess Pose:
Lie flat on your back and relax. Relax especially the legs, pelvis, and lower back. Bend your knees, bringing your feet in close to your buttocks. Slowly allow your knees to part, allowing the weight of the legs to stretch the inner thighs. Try to relax. Do not push your legs farther than is comfortable. Hold this position for two minutes or more. Then slowly bring your knees together again. This puts us in touch with our sexual vulnerability, which paradoxically must be understood before we can fully open ourselves up on this level.
Pelvic Rock:
Starting on your back with legs bent, slowly begin to rock your pelvis upward and downward with each breath. Inhale fully into your chest and belly, exhale fully, and upon the end of each exhale, push slightly with your feet so that your pelvis comes off the ground pushing the small of your back into the floor beneath you.
Hip Circles:
From a standing position, bend your knees slightly, and drop your pelvis forward so that it is directly in your central line of gravity. Keeping the knees bent and flexible, rotate the pelvis in smaller then larger circles. The head and feet should remain in the same place while the pelvis alone does the moving. Try to make the movement as smooth as possible.
Leg Lifts:
This excercise helps move energy through the pelvis, often into the upper chakras. It is a classic Kundalini excercise, and a wonderful energizer.
Lie on your back and relax. Lift your legs six to 12 inches off the floor and spread them apart at this height. Bring together again and then kick our again. Rest after about five of these. Then bring your legs perpendicular to the floor and spread to each side. Bring together and down. Repeat until tired. Raising legs should be accompanied by an inhale, while lowering the legs should be accompanied by an exhale. This excercise is a strong Kundalini-raiser with powerful results. It is important not to strain and to avoid sore muscles. Stay in tune with the body.
Chakra 3:
Below Are Some Excercise For Strengthening Manipura
Breath of Fire:
This is a rapid diaphragmatic breathing, designed to clean toxins from the body and stimulate Kundalini. Sit in an upright posture with back straight and legs relaxed. Using the muscles of your abdomen, SNAP in your diaphragm, causing a quick exhale to escape through your nose. Keep the mouth closed. By relaxing the abdomen, air will natually enter your nose and chest, causing an inhale. When this process is comfortable, repeat quickly, causing several quick, sequential exhales. Do in sets of fifty, with a long, deep breath at the end of each set. Three sets of 50 are usually a good place to start. After a while you can pace yourself according to what feels right.
Bow Pose:
Lie on your stomach, hands to the side and relax. Take a deep breath and bend yourknees while arching your back so that your hands grab onto your ankles. Let your hands do the work of maintaiining the arch while you rest your body as much as you can in this strange position. Breath deeply and let the breath rock you back and forth slightly. If you can hold this for a while (30 sec. to 2 mins.) you will feel an energizing of your solar plexus.
Pike Pose:
Hard to maintain without practice, this little gem tightens tummy muscles and develops balance. From a position of resting on your back, bring your feet and legs up (knees as straight as possible) to make a V-shape with your torso. Hold as long as possible then relax.
Chakra 4:
Opening the heart chakra requires a combination of technique and understanding. First we learn to see the world in terms of relationships. It requires a certain loss of ego, allowing an ability to merge with things outside of the self. And lastly, it requires an understanding and control of the breath, for it is the tool of physical and mental transformation. Unfortunately, the average person does not breathe very deeply. A normal pair of lungs can hold about 2 pints of air, while the average person breathes in about 1 pint or less per breath. Unlike food, which takes hours or even days to digest, each inhalation of air immediately enters the bloodstream. Oxygen must be constantly suppplied to each and every cell, or the cells die quickly. Following are a few basic excercises in complete breathing and opening the chest.
Alternate Nostril Breathing:
This is a slow, methodical breath which works on the central nervous system and leads to increased relaxation and deeper sleep. Close off your right nostril with your right hand and breathe in deeply through your left nostril. When the breath is full, close off your left nostril, hold the breath for 8 seconds, and then exhale through your right. When the breath is again empty, inhale again through your right side, hold, then exhale on the left. The pattern is inhale, (hold) switch, exhale, inhale, (hold) switch, exhale. Continue this 10 times or more on each side. Practice of this excercise will generally bring profound changes in as short a time as a week, or even days.
The Cobra:
This is a yogic excercise, wonderful to do upon first waking up in the morning. It works on the upper thoracic vertebrae, and helps alleviate "hunchback". Lie flat on your stomach with arms bent and palms placed face down by your ears. Without using your arms as support, slowly lift your head, shoulders, and back-as far as you can go comfortably. Then relax. Lift again, going as far as you can, and then using your arms, push yourself up just a little farther. Stretch the stomach and chest, take a deep breath and relax. Repeat as often as you like.
The Fish:
This is another yogic excercise, designed to expand the chest cavity. Begin by lying flat on your back. Then come to a half seated position and prop yourself up on your elbows, hands on hips. Now extend your head back behind you and arch your back. If you can, touch your head to the floor and breath deeply. Hold as long as is comfortable and relax. Breath deeply again.
Chakra 5:
The Shoulder Stand:
The shoulder stand stimulates the thyroid gland. Lie flat on your back and relax. Lift your legs 90 degrees from the floor, then bring your legs and hips up over the shoulders, supporting yourself on your elbows-hands on your hips. Hold for as long as is comfortable. This also helps to turn around a descending current of energy by making gravity pull in the opposite direction from our normal upright state.
The Fish Pose:
The fish pose often follows the shoulder stand as it gives the neck a complementary stretch. Lie flat on your back. With hands on hips, prop your upper body up on your elbows, arching your neck backward until your head touches the floor. This also helps open the chest cavity and stimulates the thyroid.
The Plough:
The plough involves returning to a shoulder stand. Then lower your legs behind your head, touching your feet to the ground. If this is still comfortable, bend your knees and tuck them behind your ears.
Chakra 6:
The most useful excercise for strengthening the third eye is simple meditation, focusing attention on the centre of the forehead. Visualizations of colours or shapes can be added or you can simply focus on clearing the mind screen until it is clean and blank. Once the screen is blank, visualizations can be willed in answer to questions you may have. If you want to know about someone's health, for example, visualize a picture of their body shape and allow black or white to show areas of health and disease. The limits of this system are only the limits of your imagination. Eye movements, Shoulder stands, Fish, Headstand, Nadi Suddhi, Alternate nostril breathing, Chanting OM.
Chakra 7:
Eye movements, Shoulder stands, Fish, Headstand, Nadi Suddhi, Chanting OM.
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Chakra exercises are used to stimulate the major chakras in the physical body. Each yoga exercise in this section will help activate and open each one of the seven major energy centers.
Chakra 1:
The following three hatha yoga excercises work on stimulating and releasing energy from the Muladhara chakra itself:
Locust & Half Locust:
Lie face down on the floor with your arms beneath your body, hands touching the front of your thighs. Keeping the knee straight, raise the leg several inches off the floor. Hold for as long as s comfortable and switch to the left leg. If this is comfortable then repeat the same procedure lifting both legs at once.
Head To Knee Pose:
Lie down on your back and relax. When ready, stretch your arms over your head, take a deep breath and raise yourself to a seated position, keeping your legs straight out in front of you. Bend the right leg and tuck the left foot into your crotch. Bend over, arms outstretched, reaching out over the left leg. Do not go farther than is comfortable, but go as far as you can. Try to find the threshold between where the tension begins and breath into that spot while you hold the posture. Hold for one to two minutes, return to a seated position, straighten your right leg, bending your left, and repeat. After returning to the position of lying flat on your back (corpse pose) for a brief rest, repeat the same procedure as above, bending over both legs. Be gentle, and tension will ease more quickly.
Deep Relaxation:
This is also called conscious relaxation. It involves grounding and relaxing each part of the body, one at a time. Lie flat on your back, and begin by taking several deep, abdomonal breaths. Beginning at the toes, work up your body, moving towards to heart, and consciously release tension in each and every muscle and joint in your body. Be sure to include the eyes, mouth and throat, as much tension is subconsciously held here. Observe your thoughts letting them come and go effortlessly. Allow yourself to observe your body, peacefully breathing in and out, in and out, deeply relaxing.
When you are ready, begin flexing your fingers and toes, and wiggling your arms and legs. Open your eyes and return to the world refreshed
Chakra 2:
Excercise for opening the second chakra involve working with movement in the hips and lower abdomen. Simple self-nurturing acivity, such as long, hot baths, showers or swimming should not be overlooked. Nurturing ourselves is the first step to receiving or giving nurturance to others.
The Goddess Pose:
Lie flat on your back and relax. Relax especially the legs, pelvis, and lower back. Bend your knees, bringing your feet in close to your buttocks. Slowly allow your knees to part, allowing the weight of the legs to stretch the inner thighs. Try to relax. Do not push your legs farther than is comfortable. Hold this position for two minutes or more. Then slowly bring your knees together again. This puts us in touch with our sexual vulnerability, which paradoxically must be understood before we can fully open ourselves up on this level.
Pelvic Rock:
Starting on your back with legs bent, slowly begin to rock your pelvis upward and downward with each breath. Inhale fully into your chest and belly, exhale fully, and upon the end of each exhale, push slightly with your feet so that your pelvis comes off the ground pushing the small of your back into the floor beneath you.
Hip Circles:
From a standing position, bend your knees slightly, and drop your pelvis forward so that it is directly in your central line of gravity. Keeping the knees bent and flexible, rotate the pelvis in smaller then larger circles. The head and feet should remain in the same place while the pelvis alone does the moving. Try to make the movement as smooth as possible.
Leg Lifts:
This excercise helps move energy through the pelvis, often into the upper chakras. It is a classic Kundalini excercise, and a wonderful energizer.
Lie on your back and relax. Lift your legs six to 12 inches off the floor and spread them apart at this height. Bring together again and then kick our again. Rest after about five of these. Then bring your legs perpendicular to the floor and spread to each side. Bring together and down. Repeat until tired. Raising legs should be accompanied by an inhale, while lowering the legs should be accompanied by an exhale. This excercise is a strong Kundalini-raiser with powerful results. It is important not to strain and to avoid sore muscles. Stay in tune with the body.
Chakra 3:
Below Are Some Excercise For Strengthening Manipura
Breath of Fire:
This is a rapid diaphragmatic breathing, designed to clean toxins from the body and stimulate Kundalini. Sit in an upright posture with back straight and legs relaxed. Using the muscles of your abdomen, SNAP in your diaphragm, causing a quick exhale to escape through your nose. Keep the mouth closed. By relaxing the abdomen, air will natually enter your nose and chest, causing an inhale. When this process is comfortable, repeat quickly, causing several quick, sequential exhales. Do in sets of fifty, with a long, deep breath at the end of each set. Three sets of 50 are usually a good place to start. After a while you can pace yourself according to what feels right.
Bow Pose:
Lie on your stomach, hands to the side and relax. Take a deep breath and bend yourknees while arching your back so that your hands grab onto your ankles. Let your hands do the work of maintaiining the arch while you rest your body as much as you can in this strange position. Breath deeply and let the breath rock you back and forth slightly. If you can hold this for a while (30 sec. to 2 mins.) you will feel an energizing of your solar plexus.
Pike Pose:
Hard to maintain without practice, this little gem tightens tummy muscles and develops balance. From a position of resting on your back, bring your feet and legs up (knees as straight as possible) to make a V-shape with your torso. Hold as long as possible then relax.
Chakra 4:
Opening the heart chakra requires a combination of technique and understanding. First we learn to see the world in terms of relationships. It requires a certain loss of ego, allowing an ability to merge with things outside of the self. And lastly, it requires an understanding and control of the breath, for it is the tool of physical and mental transformation. Unfortunately, the average person does not breathe very deeply. A normal pair of lungs can hold about 2 pints of air, while the average person breathes in about 1 pint or less per breath. Unlike food, which takes hours or even days to digest, each inhalation of air immediately enters the bloodstream. Oxygen must be constantly suppplied to each and every cell, or the cells die quickly. Following are a few basic excercises in complete breathing and opening the chest.
Alternate Nostril Breathing:
This is a slow, methodical breath which works on the central nervous system and leads to increased relaxation and deeper sleep. Close off your right nostril with your right hand and breathe in deeply through your left nostril. When the breath is full, close off your left nostril, hold the breath for 8 seconds, and then exhale through your right. When the breath is again empty, inhale again through your right side, hold, then exhale on the left. The pattern is inhale, (hold) switch, exhale, inhale, (hold) switch, exhale. Continue this 10 times or more on each side. Practice of this excercise will generally bring profound changes in as short a time as a week, or even days.
The Cobra:
This is a yogic excercise, wonderful to do upon first waking up in the morning. It works on the upper thoracic vertebrae, and helps alleviate "hunchback". Lie flat on your stomach with arms bent and palms placed face down by your ears. Without using your arms as support, slowly lift your head, shoulders, and back-as far as you can go comfortably. Then relax. Lift again, going as far as you can, and then using your arms, push yourself up just a little farther. Stretch the stomach and chest, take a deep breath and relax. Repeat as often as you like.
The Fish:
This is another yogic excercise, designed to expand the chest cavity. Begin by lying flat on your back. Then come to a half seated position and prop yourself up on your elbows, hands on hips. Now extend your head back behind you and arch your back. If you can, touch your head to the floor and breath deeply. Hold as long as is comfortable and relax. Breath deeply again.
Chakra 5:
The Shoulder Stand:
The shoulder stand stimulates the thyroid gland. Lie flat on your back and relax. Lift your legs 90 degrees from the floor, then bring your legs and hips up over the shoulders, supporting yourself on your elbows-hands on your hips. Hold for as long as is comfortable. This also helps to turn around a descending current of energy by making gravity pull in the opposite direction from our normal upright state.
The Fish Pose:
The fish pose often follows the shoulder stand as it gives the neck a complementary stretch. Lie flat on your back. With hands on hips, prop your upper body up on your elbows, arching your neck backward until your head touches the floor. This also helps open the chest cavity and stimulates the thyroid.
The Plough:
The plough involves returning to a shoulder stand. Then lower your legs behind your head, touching your feet to the ground. If this is still comfortable, bend your knees and tuck them behind your ears.
Chakra 6:
The most useful excercise for strengthening the third eye is simple meditation, focusing attention on the centre of the forehead. Visualizations of colours or shapes can be added or you can simply focus on clearing the mind screen until it is clean and blank. Once the screen is blank, visualizations can be willed in answer to questions you may have. If you want to know about someone's health, for example, visualize a picture of their body shape and allow black or white to show areas of health and disease. The limits of this system are only the limits of your imagination. Eye movements, Shoulder stands, Fish, Headstand, Nadi Suddhi, Alternate nostril breathing, Chanting OM.
Chakra 7:
Eye movements, Shoulder stands, Fish, Headstand, Nadi Suddhi, Chanting OM.
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Chakras and explanation which enlighten our life -3
Chakra 9:
The 9th chakra is also known as the upper dan tien located at Pineal Gland and appears like a golden sun just above the minds eye. it is here the christ abilities lie dormant. crystals used with this chakra are sagilite, selenite, and clear quartz.
Chakra 10:
The 10th chakra is located just above the heart chakra at the thymus gland or spiritual heart as it is also known. it is here that we find our connection to god. this centre is also known as the centre of yin and yang as it balances the energies flowing from the earth star and the 12th chakra the gods head. Tapping this centre with your index finger twice and repeating the words I AM, I AM will help awaken this centre for best results it is advised that you do this at least 21 times a day, crystals that help open this centre are Raspberry Aura, Aqua Aura, Turquoise, and Aurora Quartz. just to name a few. I Am is a good mantra for this chakra.
Chakra 11:
The 11th Chakra is located an inch and a half above the belly button it is here that we find our divine essence known as the soul or soul star as it is also known, and and it is here we find our being that exists beyond the realms of time and space, crystals used with chakra are fire opal, coral, clear quartz merkaba, golden healers, and clear quartz.
Chakra 12:
12th Chakra: Silver The passive intuitive "Yin" principle in creation and your innermost link with the Creator - your Divine essence; with opening of this chakra you become more aware of your Divine purpose, with the realisation that all things will be achieved according to Divine Plan.
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Friday, July 24, 2009
Chakras and explanation which enlighten our life - 2
Chakra 5:
Sound...rhythm...vibration...words. Powerful rulers of our lives, we take these things for granted. Using them, responding to them, creating them anew each day, we are the subjects of rhythm upon rhythm, endlessly interweaving to create the fabric of all that we experience. From the first cries of a newborn child to the harmonies of a symphony, we can hear the sound of consciousness reaching out to connect with others and echo back upon itself again.
Communication is the means whereby consciousness extends itself from one place to another. Invisible, sometimes even inaudible, communication is the connecting principle that makes life possible. From the DNA encoded messages of living cells to the spoken or written word, from the nerve impulses connecting mind and body to the broadcast waves connecting continent to continent, communication is the heart of coordination among all living things.
Chakra five is the center of sound, vibration and self-expression. It is the realm of consciousness that controls, creates, transmits and receives communication, both within ourselves and between each other. It is the center of dynamic creativity, of synthesizing old ideas into something new. Its attributes include listening, speaking, writing, chanting, telepathy and any of the arts-especially those related to sound and language.
The chakra of communication, commonly called the "throat chakra" is located in the region of the neck and shoulders. Its colour is blue-a bright cerulean blue, as opposed to the indigo blue of chakra six. It is a lotus with 16 petals, which contain all the vowels of the Sanskrit language. Vowels are typically thought to represent spirit, while consonants represent the harder stuff of matter. The lotus is called Visuddha, which menans "purification". Within the chakra appears, once again, Airavata, the many tusked white elephant. He is within a circle inside a triangle pointing downward, symbolizing the manifestation of speech. The deities are the God Sadasiva and the Goddess Gauri. Each of the deities is shown with five faces.
The associated element of this chakra is ether, otherwise known as Akasha or spirit. This chakra brings an awareness of deeper harmonics hidden in the subtler vibrations of what is known as the "ethereal" realm. It is the last of the seven chakras to have an element associated with it.
Chakra 6:
From the dawning of ages, darkness and light have intertwined to bring us one of the greatest gifts of nature's wonder-the ability to see the world around us. Stimulated and enhanced by colours all around us, shape and form are recorded in our mind's eye to dance across our thoughts and bring them to life. From our dreams we manifest our inner visions. From our intuition we"see" our way through situations, making constant decisions, as we discern and organize the patterns we perceive around us.
The "brow chakra" is located in the center of the head behind the forehead, either at eye level or slightly above. It is associated with the third eye, an etheric organ of psychic perception floating between our two physical eyes. The third eye brings us added understanding, much as reading between the lines of a piece of paper gives us added insight into words. The seed sound of this chakra is OM, with special emphasis on the "mm" sound, which vibrates the bones in the face,stimulating this center. There are only 2 petals at the ajna chakra, which resemble wings and symbolize the ability of this chakra to transcend time and space, allowing the inner spirit to "fly" to distant times and places. Chakra six is the centre of "seeing", related to the element light. Through the sensory interpretation of light we obtain information about the world around us. How much we are able to see depends upon how open or developed this chakra is. The gamut of visual and psychic ability run from those who are extremely observant of the physical world to those who are gifted in psychic perception, who can see auras, chakras, details of the astral plane, as well as precognition (seeing events in other times) and remote viewing (seeing into other places).
At the sixth chakra we encounter a higher,faster vibration than that of sound, though of a fundamentally different character. Here we embrace the phenomenon of light, a small part of the larger electromagnetic spectrum. If we consider that a large percentage of our information comes to us in visual form, and that visual information is perceived in the form of patterns of colour, the subtle changes in frequency exhibited by light must have an enormous effect upon our minds and bodies. The chakras too have their own associated colour, which correspond largely with colours used for healing the part of the body associated with each chakra. The colours for the chakras are as follows:
* Chakra One - Red
* Chakra Two - Orange
* Chakra Three - Yellow
* Chakra Four - Green
* Chakra Five - blue
* Chakra Six - indigo
* Chakra Seven - violet
* Chakra Eight - Black
* Chakra Nine - Golden
* Tenth Chakra - Purple - Blue
* Eleventh Chakra - White
* Twelveth Chakra - Silver
Colours, like the sounds associated with each chakra,are another manifestation of the seven planes associated with this system. They are a key to understanding of self and environment,and another tool for the conscious manipulation of our own energies. They can be used in visualization for self-healing and for projecting outward what we want to manifest around us.
The most significant aspect of consciousness at the level of the sixth chakra is its profound degree of psychism, that is, the perception of information in the nonmaterial realm and the ability to make conscious use of those perceptions. The term "clairvoyance" means clear seeing. seeing that is not muddled by the opaque world of material objects normally defining our limited sense of space and time. To be clairvoyant we need to look in the spaces that are clear-to look at the fields of energy, not of objects; to look at relationships, not things; to see the world as a whole, and to reach with our minds directly and clearly for the information we want. The more clarity we have within ourselves, the better we are able to see the subtle properties of the world around us. Secondly, to be clairvoyant we need to see-and as obvious as this may sound, true "seeing' is a process that goes far beyond the one we use to keep furniture from bumping our shins. To "see" implies a far deeper perception than to look. The third eye is a kind of psychic lens through which our higher senses perceive and interpret information, which is then run through the ajna chakra itself, where it is compared and arranged with pre-existing data. Here it is the third eye that looks and the ajna that sees. If you close your eyes and remember your first car, you can see the colour, upholstery and maybe even a small dent on one side. Like the hologram, you in your mind's eye can walk around the car, seeing the front and back as you choose. The actual car need not currently exist. The image exists apartfrom it and by focusing our attention, the image is retrieved. In your mind's eye, you can see what you choose to look at. This is the process of visualization. Clairvoyance is a willed process of visualization. It is a matter of systematically being able to call up relevant information on demand, regardless of whether it had been previously programmed. We transcend at this level. We need not limit accessible information to what has been entered in the past-we can also retrieve information from the future. The only difference is that we are willing the creation of the reference beam that will bring forth the image, rather than waiting for some point in the future where circumstances will call it forth. Once we know where to look for data, we need to know how to look. Accessing memory is a process of finding the right code-the right reference beam to bring the holographic image back to life. The development of clairvoyance depends on the development of the visual screen and the creation of an ordering system with which to access information from the screen.
Chakra 7:
The 7th chakra is located at the top of the head and is violet or white in colour. this centre is known to govern our cosmic consciousness and it is here that we begin to understand our spiritual wisdom. The mantra for this centre is AUM and the crystals that help open this centre are Clear quartz, Amethyst, and Chevron Amethyst you can find more crystal linked to this centre on our gems and crystals page.
Chakra 8:
The 8th chakra is located at the base of the skull where we find the cerebellum or shamballa as it is also known. it is through the opening of the centre that we begin to manifest advanced spiritual skills like bi-location, etheric projection , invisiblity, and I have found that this centre is linked to the etheric plain. the mantra for opening this chakra is DEE-EE-OH. Crystals that also help open this centre are Petersite, Spirit Amethyst, auora Quartz, Clear Quartz, selenite. it is advised that the lower seven charkas are grounded before working with this chakra. Another way I have found to activate the opening of this chakra is through peripheral vision also known as auric sight. One techique that I personally use is that of sitting infront of a mirror and focusing on the minds eye and once the etheric body is visible moving my focus into the etheric body. this techinque I have found works well with opening this centre. it is within the etheric body or casual body that we find the lower point of the etheric heart the Manasic Permenent atom or generic mind as it is also known.
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Sound...rhythm...vibration...words. Powerful rulers of our lives, we take these things for granted. Using them, responding to them, creating them anew each day, we are the subjects of rhythm upon rhythm, endlessly interweaving to create the fabric of all that we experience. From the first cries of a newborn child to the harmonies of a symphony, we can hear the sound of consciousness reaching out to connect with others and echo back upon itself again.
Communication is the means whereby consciousness extends itself from one place to another. Invisible, sometimes even inaudible, communication is the connecting principle that makes life possible. From the DNA encoded messages of living cells to the spoken or written word, from the nerve impulses connecting mind and body to the broadcast waves connecting continent to continent, communication is the heart of coordination among all living things.
Chakra five is the center of sound, vibration and self-expression. It is the realm of consciousness that controls, creates, transmits and receives communication, both within ourselves and between each other. It is the center of dynamic creativity, of synthesizing old ideas into something new. Its attributes include listening, speaking, writing, chanting, telepathy and any of the arts-especially those related to sound and language.
The chakra of communication, commonly called the "throat chakra" is located in the region of the neck and shoulders. Its colour is blue-a bright cerulean blue, as opposed to the indigo blue of chakra six. It is a lotus with 16 petals, which contain all the vowels of the Sanskrit language. Vowels are typically thought to represent spirit, while consonants represent the harder stuff of matter. The lotus is called Visuddha, which menans "purification". Within the chakra appears, once again, Airavata, the many tusked white elephant. He is within a circle inside a triangle pointing downward, symbolizing the manifestation of speech. The deities are the God Sadasiva and the Goddess Gauri. Each of the deities is shown with five faces.
The associated element of this chakra is ether, otherwise known as Akasha or spirit. This chakra brings an awareness of deeper harmonics hidden in the subtler vibrations of what is known as the "ethereal" realm. It is the last of the seven chakras to have an element associated with it.
Chakra 6:
From the dawning of ages, darkness and light have intertwined to bring us one of the greatest gifts of nature's wonder-the ability to see the world around us. Stimulated and enhanced by colours all around us, shape and form are recorded in our mind's eye to dance across our thoughts and bring them to life. From our dreams we manifest our inner visions. From our intuition we"see" our way through situations, making constant decisions, as we discern and organize the patterns we perceive around us.
The "brow chakra" is located in the center of the head behind the forehead, either at eye level or slightly above. It is associated with the third eye, an etheric organ of psychic perception floating between our two physical eyes. The third eye brings us added understanding, much as reading between the lines of a piece of paper gives us added insight into words. The seed sound of this chakra is OM, with special emphasis on the "mm" sound, which vibrates the bones in the face,stimulating this center. There are only 2 petals at the ajna chakra, which resemble wings and symbolize the ability of this chakra to transcend time and space, allowing the inner spirit to "fly" to distant times and places. Chakra six is the centre of "seeing", related to the element light. Through the sensory interpretation of light we obtain information about the world around us. How much we are able to see depends upon how open or developed this chakra is. The gamut of visual and psychic ability run from those who are extremely observant of the physical world to those who are gifted in psychic perception, who can see auras, chakras, details of the astral plane, as well as precognition (seeing events in other times) and remote viewing (seeing into other places).
At the sixth chakra we encounter a higher,faster vibration than that of sound, though of a fundamentally different character. Here we embrace the phenomenon of light, a small part of the larger electromagnetic spectrum. If we consider that a large percentage of our information comes to us in visual form, and that visual information is perceived in the form of patterns of colour, the subtle changes in frequency exhibited by light must have an enormous effect upon our minds and bodies. The chakras too have their own associated colour, which correspond largely with colours used for healing the part of the body associated with each chakra. The colours for the chakras are as follows:
* Chakra One - Red
* Chakra Two - Orange
* Chakra Three - Yellow
* Chakra Four - Green
* Chakra Five - blue
* Chakra Six - indigo
* Chakra Seven - violet
* Chakra Eight - Black
* Chakra Nine - Golden
* Tenth Chakra - Purple - Blue
* Eleventh Chakra - White
* Twelveth Chakra - Silver
Colours, like the sounds associated with each chakra,are another manifestation of the seven planes associated with this system. They are a key to understanding of self and environment,and another tool for the conscious manipulation of our own energies. They can be used in visualization for self-healing and for projecting outward what we want to manifest around us.
The most significant aspect of consciousness at the level of the sixth chakra is its profound degree of psychism, that is, the perception of information in the nonmaterial realm and the ability to make conscious use of those perceptions. The term "clairvoyance" means clear seeing. seeing that is not muddled by the opaque world of material objects normally defining our limited sense of space and time. To be clairvoyant we need to look in the spaces that are clear-to look at the fields of energy, not of objects; to look at relationships, not things; to see the world as a whole, and to reach with our minds directly and clearly for the information we want. The more clarity we have within ourselves, the better we are able to see the subtle properties of the world around us. Secondly, to be clairvoyant we need to see-and as obvious as this may sound, true "seeing' is a process that goes far beyond the one we use to keep furniture from bumping our shins. To "see" implies a far deeper perception than to look. The third eye is a kind of psychic lens through which our higher senses perceive and interpret information, which is then run through the ajna chakra itself, where it is compared and arranged with pre-existing data. Here it is the third eye that looks and the ajna that sees. If you close your eyes and remember your first car, you can see the colour, upholstery and maybe even a small dent on one side. Like the hologram, you in your mind's eye can walk around the car, seeing the front and back as you choose. The actual car need not currently exist. The image exists apartfrom it and by focusing our attention, the image is retrieved. In your mind's eye, you can see what you choose to look at. This is the process of visualization. Clairvoyance is a willed process of visualization. It is a matter of systematically being able to call up relevant information on demand, regardless of whether it had been previously programmed. We transcend at this level. We need not limit accessible information to what has been entered in the past-we can also retrieve information from the future. The only difference is that we are willing the creation of the reference beam that will bring forth the image, rather than waiting for some point in the future where circumstances will call it forth. Once we know where to look for data, we need to know how to look. Accessing memory is a process of finding the right code-the right reference beam to bring the holographic image back to life. The development of clairvoyance depends on the development of the visual screen and the creation of an ordering system with which to access information from the screen.
Chakra 7:
The 7th chakra is located at the top of the head and is violet or white in colour. this centre is known to govern our cosmic consciousness and it is here that we begin to understand our spiritual wisdom. The mantra for this centre is AUM and the crystals that help open this centre are Clear quartz, Amethyst, and Chevron Amethyst you can find more crystal linked to this centre on our gems and crystals page.
Chakra 8:
The 8th chakra is located at the base of the skull where we find the cerebellum or shamballa as it is also known. it is through the opening of the centre that we begin to manifest advanced spiritual skills like bi-location, etheric projection , invisiblity, and I have found that this centre is linked to the etheric plain. the mantra for opening this chakra is DEE-EE-OH. Crystals that also help open this centre are Petersite, Spirit Amethyst, auora Quartz, Clear Quartz, selenite. it is advised that the lower seven charkas are grounded before working with this chakra. Another way I have found to activate the opening of this chakra is through peripheral vision also known as auric sight. One techique that I personally use is that of sitting infront of a mirror and focusing on the minds eye and once the etheric body is visible moving my focus into the etheric body. this techinque I have found works well with opening this centre. it is within the etheric body or casual body that we find the lower point of the etheric heart the Manasic Permenent atom or generic mind as it is also known.
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Chakras and explanation which enlighten our life - 1
Chakra 1:
The Sanskrit name for this chakra is Muladhara which means root. The Hindus depict this center as a lotus of four petals within which is a square. This can be seen as representing the four directions, and the firm foundation of the material world, which is symbolized by a square. In the centre is the symbol for the seed sound, believed to contain the essence of the chakra which is lam. These images and sounds are all symbols that can be used to access the chakra when we need to. In the body, the first chakra is located at the perineum, midway between the anus and the genitals. Chakras have been described as vortices of energy. At the level of the first chakra, our vortex is the most dense. To ignore this chakra or its elements is to threaten our very survival, either in our personal lives, or as a planet. If we do not balance this chakra before we progress to others, our growth will be without roots, ungrounded and will lack the stability necessary for longevity.
Chakra 2:
The second chakra is located in the lower abdomen centered between the navel and the genitals. The element of this chakra is water, and classically, this chakra is the centre of sexuality as well as emotions, sensation, pleasure, movement and nurturance. In Sanskrit, the chakra is called Svadhisthana, from the root "svad", to sweeten. The Hindu symbol for Svadhisthana has six petals, generally of a red (vermillion) colour. It contains a crescent moon, and a lotus within a lotus. The seed sound in the lotus is "vam". Chakras
The second chakra is related to the moon. Like the moon's pull on the tides, our desires and passions can move great oceans of energy. The moon rules the mysterious, the unseen, the dark, and the feminine. This gives the centre a very subtle power of its own as we move from our depths outward to create change in the world. At the level of the second chakra, desire and duality play a distinct role-that of getting us motivated for movement and change. Through our desires we expand. Desire is the expression of the physical and spiritual needs of the being. It is like the movement of water. It is the nature of water to move with gravity. If water is held back in its path, a pressure will build up. This pressure will gradually erode whatever is holding it back. It is the nature of the water to flow in a particular direction, and the water has no preference as to what form it follows to get there. All rivers lead eventually to the sea. All rivers find the path of least resistance. Thwarted desires are often saying that we are not traveling the path of least reisitance. If our consciousness is inward instead of outward, we will find another way.
Clairsentience is the psychic sense of the second chakra, the first "stirrings" of higher consciousness and the development of greater sensitivity toward others. It is the ability to sense other people's emotions, also called empathy. It is experienced as a subltle feeling, but as if we were experiencing the feeling ourselves. Most people are clairsentient to some degree. the phenomenon usually occurs more strongly in people who have a proclivity for clairvoyance or telepathy characteristic of the upper chakras. Clairsentience is a valuable source of information in healing and helpful in the development of psychism. With conscious attention, it is an aid rather than a detriment.
Chakra 3:
From earth to water to fire. The first chakra was one of solidity, stability, focus and form. Through the undimensional eyes of the first chakra we experienced unity. Within this unity we then found difference, change and movement. Through the second chakra we saw dark and light, the passions of duality and choice, emotion and desire. We expanded our instincts from our own survival to the desire for pleasure, nurturance and the need to reach out and expand. When these two levels are put together, we find that they create a third and unique state of existence: energy - the field made by the dance of matter and movement. In physical terms we call it combustion; in the body it is metabolism; psychologically, it relates to personal power and will; and in our outer lives, it is the realm of action.
This is the third chakra. Its element is Fire and its purpose is transformation. The third chakra transforms the inertia of earth and water into action, energy and power. The first two chakras flow downward, subject to gravity and to forms already in existence. Fire flows upsward, destroying form and taking the raw energy to a new dimension.
At chakra three we reach deep into our sense of self, established at the base level, and find a point of dynamic balance between extremes. We temper our desires - not controlling them , but shaping them, riding on their passion, directing it. We create a third point withing ourselves, newly expanded from the growth of the second chakra. We emerge from the pasivity of earth and water and take conscious, deliberate action. We release ourselves from the duality below, and ride upon the constant flux of many points as they combine together. The second chakra presents choices. Out of choices, fueled by desire, the will is born. Will is the conscious combination of mind and action, the overcoming of inertia, and the essential spark that ignites the flames of our power. The task of the third chakra is to overcome inertia. In order to develop and heal ourselves at this third chakra level, we must re-examine our concept of the power which involves control of one part over another. Instead we can replace it with a cooncept of power as integration, power from within, the power of an organism's wholeness, and its ability to connect with the power around us in all of life. When we think about power, we can think about it as an active verb rather than a noun. We think in terms of "power to" inistead of "power over".
In The Body the third chakra is located in the solar plexus, over the adrenal glands. This is where we get those "butterfly' feelings when we're nervous. The third chakra rules over the metabolic system, and is responsible for the regulation and distribution of emtabolic energy throughout the body. This is done throught the combustion of matter (food) into energy (action and heat). Malfunctions digestive system such as diabetes, hypoglycemia or stomach ulcers relate directly to this centre.
In Sanskrit the chakra is called Manipura, which means "lustrous gem" because it shines bright like the sun. Its symbol is a lotus with ten petals,within which is a downward pointing triangle, surrounded by three T-shaped "svastikas" (Hindu symbols for fire). Within the lotus is a ram, a powerful and energetic animal, usually associated with Agni, Hindu god of fire. The seed sound for this chakra is Ram.
To break the cycle of fear and withdrawal takes a reconnection with the self in a loving and accepting way. If we are not in touch with our ground, our bodies our passions and pleasures, desires and unions, we have no fuel for our fire.
Chakra 4:
From the active, fiery solar plexus, we are thrust into a new and different realm. From the world of the body and manifestation, we break deeper into the softer touch of spirit. From the focus on the self and its desires and actions, we embrace a larger pattern, and dance our tiny part within the web. We transcend our ego, and grow toward something greater, deeper, stronger. As we embrace the Heavens,we have more than ourselves. We expand. We have reached the central part of the chakra system. It is our core, the inner spirit that unites all the other forces above and below, within and without. Above, we have our abstract spirit, the mental realms, and below we have our "worldly" chakras. The task of chakra four is to integrate and balance the realms of the mind and body. In so doing, it brings a radiant sense of wholeness to the entire organsim and a realization that we are an exquisite combination of both spirit and matter. Within this sense of wholeness lies the seed of inner peace, which takes root and grows firm as this chakra is opened. The symbol for the heart chakra is a circle of 12 lotus petals surrounding two intersecting triangles, forming a six-pointed star. The triangles represent the descent of spirit into the body and the ascent of matter rising to meet spirit. In the heart, the cosmic and the earth energies combine, forming a star that radiates from the center of the chakra. The six points can also be seen as relating to the six other chakras, each represented at this center. The colour for this chakra is green, and its seed sound is Lam.
The heart chakra is the center of love. The love we experience at the level of the heart chakra is distinctly different from the more sexual and passinate love of the second chakra. At the fourth chakra, the love is no longer object dependent. The love we feel is felt toward everything we encounter, because it is felt within as a state of being. At the heart, our love is no longer one of need or desire. Instead, it is one of joyous acceptance of our place among all things, of a deep peace that comes from lack of need, and of a radiating quality that comes from harmony within the self. Love takes the emotional content of the second chakra and balances it with understanding from the seventh. The understanding tempers the desire, and allows us to see beyond our own needs. The element of this chakra is air, the least dense of our physical elements. Air, as an element, is commonly associated with knowledge, love and things that are light and spirited. Air represents freedom, as inthe birds that fly. Air represents lightness, simplicity and softness. Air also represents breath,the vital energy of life. The Hindus call it prana, the Chinese call it chi, the Japanese call it ki.
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The Sanskrit name for this chakra is Muladhara which means root. The Hindus depict this center as a lotus of four petals within which is a square. This can be seen as representing the four directions, and the firm foundation of the material world, which is symbolized by a square. In the centre is the symbol for the seed sound, believed to contain the essence of the chakra which is lam. These images and sounds are all symbols that can be used to access the chakra when we need to. In the body, the first chakra is located at the perineum, midway between the anus and the genitals. Chakras have been described as vortices of energy. At the level of the first chakra, our vortex is the most dense. To ignore this chakra or its elements is to threaten our very survival, either in our personal lives, or as a planet. If we do not balance this chakra before we progress to others, our growth will be without roots, ungrounded and will lack the stability necessary for longevity.
Chakra 2:
The second chakra is located in the lower abdomen centered between the navel and the genitals. The element of this chakra is water, and classically, this chakra is the centre of sexuality as well as emotions, sensation, pleasure, movement and nurturance. In Sanskrit, the chakra is called Svadhisthana, from the root "svad", to sweeten. The Hindu symbol for Svadhisthana has six petals, generally of a red (vermillion) colour. It contains a crescent moon, and a lotus within a lotus. The seed sound in the lotus is "vam". Chakras
The second chakra is related to the moon. Like the moon's pull on the tides, our desires and passions can move great oceans of energy. The moon rules the mysterious, the unseen, the dark, and the feminine. This gives the centre a very subtle power of its own as we move from our depths outward to create change in the world. At the level of the second chakra, desire and duality play a distinct role-that of getting us motivated for movement and change. Through our desires we expand. Desire is the expression of the physical and spiritual needs of the being. It is like the movement of water. It is the nature of water to move with gravity. If water is held back in its path, a pressure will build up. This pressure will gradually erode whatever is holding it back. It is the nature of the water to flow in a particular direction, and the water has no preference as to what form it follows to get there. All rivers lead eventually to the sea. All rivers find the path of least resistance. Thwarted desires are often saying that we are not traveling the path of least reisitance. If our consciousness is inward instead of outward, we will find another way.
Clairsentience is the psychic sense of the second chakra, the first "stirrings" of higher consciousness and the development of greater sensitivity toward others. It is the ability to sense other people's emotions, also called empathy. It is experienced as a subltle feeling, but as if we were experiencing the feeling ourselves. Most people are clairsentient to some degree. the phenomenon usually occurs more strongly in people who have a proclivity for clairvoyance or telepathy characteristic of the upper chakras. Clairsentience is a valuable source of information in healing and helpful in the development of psychism. With conscious attention, it is an aid rather than a detriment.
Chakra 3:
From earth to water to fire. The first chakra was one of solidity, stability, focus and form. Through the undimensional eyes of the first chakra we experienced unity. Within this unity we then found difference, change and movement. Through the second chakra we saw dark and light, the passions of duality and choice, emotion and desire. We expanded our instincts from our own survival to the desire for pleasure, nurturance and the need to reach out and expand. When these two levels are put together, we find that they create a third and unique state of existence: energy - the field made by the dance of matter and movement. In physical terms we call it combustion; in the body it is metabolism; psychologically, it relates to personal power and will; and in our outer lives, it is the realm of action.
This is the third chakra. Its element is Fire and its purpose is transformation. The third chakra transforms the inertia of earth and water into action, energy and power. The first two chakras flow downward, subject to gravity and to forms already in existence. Fire flows upsward, destroying form and taking the raw energy to a new dimension.
At chakra three we reach deep into our sense of self, established at the base level, and find a point of dynamic balance between extremes. We temper our desires - not controlling them , but shaping them, riding on their passion, directing it. We create a third point withing ourselves, newly expanded from the growth of the second chakra. We emerge from the pasivity of earth and water and take conscious, deliberate action. We release ourselves from the duality below, and ride upon the constant flux of many points as they combine together. The second chakra presents choices. Out of choices, fueled by desire, the will is born. Will is the conscious combination of mind and action, the overcoming of inertia, and the essential spark that ignites the flames of our power. The task of the third chakra is to overcome inertia. In order to develop and heal ourselves at this third chakra level, we must re-examine our concept of the power which involves control of one part over another. Instead we can replace it with a cooncept of power as integration, power from within, the power of an organism's wholeness, and its ability to connect with the power around us in all of life. When we think about power, we can think about it as an active verb rather than a noun. We think in terms of "power to" inistead of "power over".
In The Body the third chakra is located in the solar plexus, over the adrenal glands. This is where we get those "butterfly' feelings when we're nervous. The third chakra rules over the metabolic system, and is responsible for the regulation and distribution of emtabolic energy throughout the body. This is done throught the combustion of matter (food) into energy (action and heat). Malfunctions digestive system such as diabetes, hypoglycemia or stomach ulcers relate directly to this centre.
In Sanskrit the chakra is called Manipura, which means "lustrous gem" because it shines bright like the sun. Its symbol is a lotus with ten petals,within which is a downward pointing triangle, surrounded by three T-shaped "svastikas" (Hindu symbols for fire). Within the lotus is a ram, a powerful and energetic animal, usually associated with Agni, Hindu god of fire. The seed sound for this chakra is Ram.
To break the cycle of fear and withdrawal takes a reconnection with the self in a loving and accepting way. If we are not in touch with our ground, our bodies our passions and pleasures, desires and unions, we have no fuel for our fire.
Chakra 4:
From the active, fiery solar plexus, we are thrust into a new and different realm. From the world of the body and manifestation, we break deeper into the softer touch of spirit. From the focus on the self and its desires and actions, we embrace a larger pattern, and dance our tiny part within the web. We transcend our ego, and grow toward something greater, deeper, stronger. As we embrace the Heavens,we have more than ourselves. We expand. We have reached the central part of the chakra system. It is our core, the inner spirit that unites all the other forces above and below, within and without. Above, we have our abstract spirit, the mental realms, and below we have our "worldly" chakras. The task of chakra four is to integrate and balance the realms of the mind and body. In so doing, it brings a radiant sense of wholeness to the entire organsim and a realization that we are an exquisite combination of both spirit and matter. Within this sense of wholeness lies the seed of inner peace, which takes root and grows firm as this chakra is opened. The symbol for the heart chakra is a circle of 12 lotus petals surrounding two intersecting triangles, forming a six-pointed star. The triangles represent the descent of spirit into the body and the ascent of matter rising to meet spirit. In the heart, the cosmic and the earth energies combine, forming a star that radiates from the center of the chakra. The six points can also be seen as relating to the six other chakras, each represented at this center. The colour for this chakra is green, and its seed sound is Lam.
The heart chakra is the center of love. The love we experience at the level of the heart chakra is distinctly different from the more sexual and passinate love of the second chakra. At the fourth chakra, the love is no longer object dependent. The love we feel is felt toward everything we encounter, because it is felt within as a state of being. At the heart, our love is no longer one of need or desire. Instead, it is one of joyous acceptance of our place among all things, of a deep peace that comes from lack of need, and of a radiating quality that comes from harmony within the self. Love takes the emotional content of the second chakra and balances it with understanding from the seventh. The understanding tempers the desire, and allows us to see beyond our own needs. The element of this chakra is air, the least dense of our physical elements. Air, as an element, is commonly associated with knowledge, love and things that are light and spirited. Air represents freedom, as inthe birds that fly. Air represents lightness, simplicity and softness. Air also represents breath,the vital energy of life. The Hindus call it prana, the Chinese call it chi, the Japanese call it ki.
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Monday, July 13, 2009
Quotes For Life _ Ramana Maharshi
From Sat Darshan
As in a well of water deep,
Dive deep with Reason cleaving sharp.
With speech, mind and breath restrained,
Exploring thus mayest thou discover
The real source of ego-self.
The mind through calm in deep plunge enquiries.
That alone is real quest for the Self.
- Ramana Maharshi - (trans. Kapali Sastry)
- From Poetry for the Spirit: Ed. Alan Jacobs
There Is Nothing new To Get
There is nothing new to get.
You have on the other hand,
to get rid of your ignorance,
which makes you think you are other than Bliss.
For whom is this ignorance?
It is to the ego.
Trace the source of the ego.
Then the ego is lost and Bliss remains over.
It is eternal You are That, here and now...
This is the master key for solving all doubts.
The doubts arise in the mind.
The mind is born of the ego.
The ego rises from the Self.
Search the source of the ego
and the Self is revealed.
That alone remains.
The universe is only expanded Self.
It is not different from the Self...
- Ramana Maharshi
The Self Is Known To Everyone
The Self is known to every one but not clearly.
You always exist.
The Be-ing is the Self. ‘I am’ is the name of God.
Of all definitions of God,
none is indeed so well put as the Biblical statement
‘I AM THAT I AM’ in Exodus (Chap.3).
There are other statements,
such as Brahmaivaham, Aham Brahmasmi and Soham.
But none is so direct as the name JEHOVAH = I AM.
The Absolute Being is what is—It is the Self.
It is God. Knowing the Self, God is known.
In fact God is none other than the Self
- Ramana Maharshi
‘...Bliss is not something to be got.
On the other hand you are always Bliss.
This desire [for Bliss] is born of the sense of incompleteness.
To whom is this sense of incompleteness?
Enquire. In deep sleep you were blissful.
Now you are not so.
What has interposed between that Bliss and this non-bliss?
It is the ego.
Seek its source and find you are Bliss.
- Ramana Maharshi
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As in a well of water deep,
Dive deep with Reason cleaving sharp.
With speech, mind and breath restrained,
Exploring thus mayest thou discover
The real source of ego-self.
The mind through calm in deep plunge enquiries.
That alone is real quest for the Self.
- Ramana Maharshi - (trans. Kapali Sastry)
- From Poetry for the Spirit: Ed. Alan Jacobs
There Is Nothing new To Get
There is nothing new to get.
You have on the other hand,
to get rid of your ignorance,
which makes you think you are other than Bliss.
For whom is this ignorance?
It is to the ego.
Trace the source of the ego.
Then the ego is lost and Bliss remains over.
It is eternal You are That, here and now...
This is the master key for solving all doubts.
The doubts arise in the mind.
The mind is born of the ego.
The ego rises from the Self.
Search the source of the ego
and the Self is revealed.
That alone remains.
The universe is only expanded Self.
It is not different from the Self...
- Ramana Maharshi
The Self Is Known To Everyone
The Self is known to every one but not clearly.
You always exist.
The Be-ing is the Self. ‘I am’ is the name of God.
Of all definitions of God,
none is indeed so well put as the Biblical statement
‘I AM THAT I AM’ in Exodus (Chap.3).
There are other statements,
such as Brahmaivaham, Aham Brahmasmi and Soham.
But none is so direct as the name JEHOVAH = I AM.
The Absolute Being is what is—It is the Self.
It is God. Knowing the Self, God is known.
In fact God is none other than the Self
- Ramana Maharshi
‘...Bliss is not something to be got.
On the other hand you are always Bliss.
This desire [for Bliss] is born of the sense of incompleteness.
To whom is this sense of incompleteness?
Enquire. In deep sleep you were blissful.
Now you are not so.
What has interposed between that Bliss and this non-bliss?
It is the ego.
Seek its source and find you are Bliss.
- Ramana Maharshi
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Ramana Maharshi
Letters to Sri Arunachala - Verses 31-35 - Ramana Maharshi
Join me quietly, there
Where speech and thought subside
And the sea of bliss surges.
O try me no more by
Playing tricks but show me
Your form of light,
‘Stead of teaching me
Jugglery to cheat the world,
Teach me abidance in Self,
If you won’t unite with me
My body’ll melt away,
I’ll be lost in a flood of tears,
If you do spurn me
Karmas will only burn me
How then shall I be saved
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Join me quietly, there
Where speech and thought subside
And the sea of bliss surges.
O try me no more by
Playing tricks but show me
Your form of light,
‘Stead of teaching me
Jugglery to cheat the world,
Teach me abidance in Self,
If you won’t unite with me
My body’ll melt away,
I’ll be lost in a flood of tears,
If you do spurn me
Karmas will only burn me
How then shall I be saved
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Ramana Maharshi
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